Most of the records in this website include an address or a partial address. In the majority of cases there is no indication as to whether this is the deceased person’s usual place of residence or the address of the place where they died. In some instances two addresses are given – for example the hospital where they died and the address at which they usually resided. In these cases the residential address has been recorded, and the place of death has been recorded in Notes.
In most cases the address does not include the name of a town. In these instances we have always assumed that the address is in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, but this may not be necessarily be correct.
Where the address details identify a recognisable, unequivocal location a map will be displayed. The maps are based on Open Street Map data. Each map can be panned and/or zoomed. Currently locations are only shown to street level.
For more information about how addresses have been recorded see these links: